Andrews J. Jaros

850 Rosedale Avenue, Apt#42,  Capitola CA 95010

home: (831) 600-7003   cell: (831) 334-2061











·        Five years experience modeling with PowerAnimator and MAYA 3.0 and 4.5, including lighting, texturing, NURBs, scripts and limited animation.

·        Wide range of work on seven published, and three unpublished titles.

·        Expert with Photoshop, ACDSee, Alienbrain, Word, Excel.

·        Quick study – always a top implementer of new software packages.

·        Twenty-three years experience with computers.

·        Technically savvy and a good liaison between artists and programmers.

·        Experienced working with a team as lead or on the line.

·        Avid game player with strong design skills.



March 1994 to

March 2004



Senior Artist;  Sony Computer Entertainment America, San Diego

Vehicle construction with LODs, lighting, and environment mapping for Unsung Heroes (cancelled), and a principle implementer of Alienbrain (PS2).  Group lead for level 6 (Necropolis) of The Mark of Kri, including construction, texturing and lighting (PS2).  Level design, construction and lighting for Jetmoto 4 (canceled) (PSX).  Level design, construction, texturing, and lighting for Sorcery (canceled) with first use of MAYA (PSX).  Lead stadium artist for MLB Pennant Race (PSX), go-to guy for Multigen.  Lead artist for NHL Faceoff , and a principle implementer of PowerAnimator for the polygonal rink and interface, and NURBS team logos (PSX).  Background and sprite art on ESPN Baseball (CD version) and ESPN Hockey (Sega Genesis).

September 1985

to March 1994






May 1981

to August 1985











Artist/Game Designer;  Software Heaven, Inc., San Diego

Sole artist on Sundog (Atari ST), and Dungeon Master (Atari ST, Amiga, PC, Townes, Super Nintendo).  Principle artist on Chaos Strikes Back and Skull Keep, Dungeon Master CD art. Experience in all aspects of game creation; from design (interface, gameplay, graphics and scenario), to production and promotion using Adobe Illustrator, PageMaker, DeBabelizer (box art, manuals, hint books, flyers, newsletters and advertising).


Partner, Game Designer, Artist;  PVC Dragon, Newport Beach

Formed and funded a start-up game company to develop a role-playing game for the Apple II.  Principle designer and artist.  Wrote assembly language screen routines for the game Crystal Dragon.



B.S. Chemistry, University of California, Irvine.



Excellent health.  Available Immediately.



Heroes Mark of Kri JetMoto 2124 Sorcery MLB Pennant Race NHL Faceoff DungeonMaster Resume   Other Art Home