On this project, I
designed and constructed levels and game components. I also created
textures for those levels which I then applied and lit. I had a big
hand in initial game design, but ultimately this was slapped away by forces
beyond my control.
Sorcery was a low
point in my career. A series of events left our team trying to create
on the Playstation, what eventually became Everquest on the PC. The
vision was there, but the computer capability was not. Over time, the
PS's limitations and management's need to guide us into a previously profitable category forced the worst compromise I have
had to make on a game design. Despite our expansive game vision we were pigeonholed into a genre
we were completely incapable of cracking,... platform fighters. This
was the only time that, when we were told that the project had been
cancelled, I actually welcomed the news. Although we struggled
hard to adapt our work to the new paradigm, the project could not handle the
transition and in the end, the public, Sony, and our team were spared.
No one likes to see their work come to naught, but as a gamer and artist, I felt that
the best thing for this project was its cancellation.
